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artist • MAKER


Walnut Wine Wall
Arlington, VA

When my client asked me to design and fabricate a wine wall capable of holding 300+ bottles, 10" deep with sliding glass panels, and installed on the third floor, I sharpened my pencils (poured myself a glass) and got to work. The result: a walnut wine wall consisting of 5 individual bays that were assembled on-site. Stainless steel support rods, LED lighting throughout, and a LOT of engineering to allow the sliding doors to pass each other with minimum projection. Hoisting the 150 lb. glass panels up over the balcony and through the window took a few years off my life. 

Cambridge Kitchen
Shaker Kitchen
Cambridge, MA

This entire kitchen was designed and fabricated in VA and then shipped to Cambridge, MA, without ever seeing the site or taking personal field measurements. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have serious concerns about everything fitting, but the client (a meticulous architect) got everything right. It all went together like an Erector Set and turned out gloriously. The only headache was the dramatic sloping floor right where the island sat…but I guess a 100 year old home can be forgiven for dropping 2 inches in an 8ft span. 

Gibson Island
Walnut Kitchen
Gibson Island, MD

The joke goes: a celebrity lawyer and a British artist meet on a gated island to discuss wood....luckily the punchline was silenced by these beautiful results. I was a bit skeptical working for such a powerful (opinionated) client, but I was allowed to design and fabricate with only a few specific requests: quarter-sawn walnut veneer and construction strong enough to hold massive cement countertops. Easy peasy.

Todd Milbury
Walnut Kitchen
Vienna, VA

This kitchen is especially sentimental as it was the last project I completed as The Proper Carpenter. The client, a skilled cook, had been planning his dream kitchen for some time. Built from walnut veneer and painted maple, the clean contemporary aesthetic and frameless design puts all the emphasis on fine details—perfect reveals, matched grain and clean lines. Delivered days before I closed up shop, I love the results for so many reasons, but most of all I want to cook in it myself. 

Honorable Mentions
Honorable Mentions

Although I have my favorite builds during my tenure as the Proper Carpenter, there are so many other pieces that deserve attention. Here you will find a number of free-standing projects that were commissioned between 2005 and 2017. If you have questions regarding a specific piece don't hesitate to contact me. Toodles!