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Centreville, VA
703 • 864 • 6710


Fab Lab Manager, Northern Virginia Community College

Responsibilities: Develop and maintain an effecient and productive digital fabrication lab including all equipment, software, inventory, and safety procedures; create and implement operating policies; recruite, hire, and supervise wage employees, interns, and volunteers; procure and maintain all digital and traditional assets; implement inventory procedures and tracking; create certification procedures for lab access; manage operating budget; develop new teaching pedagogies for digital fabrication; secure grant funding for research and development; train students and staff on proper operating procedures; develop and implement outreach opportunities for local educators

Notable Achievements: 

NSF Grant for Makers by Design: professional development in Design Thinking and digital fabrication (2021-2024)

NSF Grant for Product Design Incubator: cross discipline student internship in Design Thinking, engineering, business and fabrication (2022-2025)

Presented at 2021 VTEEA Summer Conference, 2021 ACCT Community College National Summit and 2021 ITEEA Conference

Initiated Biannual Design Challange, partnered with industrial leaders (BAE, MICRON, etc.) to involve students in the Design Thinking process

Creative Director, Kalisher

Responsibilities: Managed large teams responsible for all fine art output;managed yearly budgets, staffing, and strategic direction; led kickoffsand client pitches; provided final approval for high-end commissions, tradeshow exhibits, and artist originals; drove new product and dimensional offerings; strategized department growth and direction.

Notable Achievements:

• Successfully led brand standard art development for Princess Cruise Lines, Marriott International, Hyatt Hotels Corporation, Hilton Corporation, and Starwood

• Developed Kalisher tradeshow aesthetic for BDNY, BDWest, SeaTrade, Argentum, and Marriott Design Lounge

• Recognized demand for dimensional art products, resulting in cost effective offerings based on new production, sales, and marketing methods

• Fostered relationships with local universities to establish Industrial Design and Product Development internships

Founder/CEO, The Proper Carpenter

Responsibilities: Conceptualized, designed, and fabricated custom wood products and solutions for residential, commercial, retail, and hospitality clients.

Notable Achievements:

• Awarded White House Historical Association contracts to build fullscale replica of the 2015 White House Christmas Tree Ornament and The Rose Garden exhibition installation

• Designed and manufactured multiple digital experience booths for OMDigital (Clients include: Time, Master Card, Esquire, Microsoft, Heineken, Uber, Moët, Coca-Cola, Nike, Chevrolet, and MTV)

• Had a 70% return customer base. 90% of our inquiries were referral based of which we secured 80% of those contracts.

Lecturer of Fine Art, Mississippi State University

Responsibilities: Taught undergraduate and graduate studio, theory, and history courses; participated in graduate thesis committees; created and implemented new courses; acted as undergraduate thesis director and teaching assistant advisor

Lecturer of Fine Art, Clemson University

Responsibilities: Taught undergraduate fine art studio courses; participated in graduate thesis committees; created and implemented new courses


• eCORNELL, Design Thinking Certification

• OSHA Safety Training certification

• ACHIEVE, a national education grant to train faculty in problem-based learning

• LERN, instructor certification for online teaching development


Digital Fabrication: Polyjet and FDM 3D-printing, large format vinyl printing, UV printing, laser cutting and engraving, CNC routing and milling

Commercial Woodworking Equipment: Jointer, planer, table, band, and miter saws, drill and pocket press, drum sander, edgebanding, veneer press

Traditional Fabrication: Hand tools, power tools, vacuum forming, sewing, complex assembly

CAD: Fusion 360, Sketchup 

CAM: Centroid, VcarvePro, Easel

Adobe Creative Suite: Illustrator, Photoshop, Indesign, Acrobat DC

Microsoft Office 365: Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Teams, Shaerpoint

Video Production and Editing: Final Cut Pro, iMovie


• David Winton; President and CEO, Kalisher

• Dave Clark; CEO, OMDigital

• John Botello; Creative Manager, The White House, Executive Residence


• University of Tennessee, MFA, 1996

• University of Windsor, BFA, 1993

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