Fab Lab Manager, Northern Virginia Community College
Responsibilities: Develop and maintain an effecient and productive digital fabrication lab including all equipment, software, inventory, and safety procedures; create and implement operating policies; recruite, hire, and supervise wage employees, interns, and volunteers; procure and maintain all digital and traditional assets; implement inventory procedures and tracking; create certification procedures for lab access; manage operating budget; develop new teaching pedagogies for digital fabrication; secure grant funding for research and development; train students and staff on proper operating procedures; develop and implement outreach opportunities for local educators
Notable Achievements:
• NSF Grant for Makers by Design: professional development in Design Thinking and digital fabrication (2021-2024)
• NSF Grant for Product Design Incubator: cross discipline student internship in Design Thinking, engineering, business and fabrication (2022-2025)
• Presented at 2021 VTEEA Summer Conference, 2021 ACCT Community College National Summit and 2021 ITEEA Conference
• Initiated Biannual Design Challange, partnered with industrial leaders (BAE, MICRON, etc.) to involve students in the Design Thinking process
Creative Director, Kalisher
Responsibilities: Managed large teams responsible for all fine art output;managed yearly budgets, staffing, and strategic direction; led kickoffsand client pitches; provided final approval for high-end commissions, tradeshow exhibits, and artist originals; drove new product and dimensional offerings; strategized department growth and direction.
Notable Achievements:
• Successfully led brand standard art development for Princess Cruise Lines, Marriott International, Hyatt Hotels Corporation, Hilton Corporation, and Starwood
• Developed Kalisher tradeshow aesthetic for BDNY, BDWest, SeaTrade, Argentum, and Marriott Design Lounge
• Recognized demand for dimensional art products, resulting in cost effective offerings based on new production, sales, and marketing methods
• Fostered relationships with local universities to establish Industrial Design and Product Development internships
Founder/CEO, The Proper Carpenter
Responsibilities: Conceptualized, designed, and fabricated custom wood products and solutions for residential, commercial, retail, and hospitality clients.
Notable Achievements:
• Awarded White House Historical Association contracts to build fullscale replica of the 2015 White House Christmas Tree Ornament and The Rose Garden exhibition installation
• Designed and manufactured multiple digital experience booths for OMDigital (Clients include: Time, Master Card, Esquire, Microsoft, Heineken, Uber, Moët, Coca-Cola, Nike, Chevrolet, and MTV)
• Had a 70% return customer base. 90% of our inquiries were referral based of which we secured 80% of those contracts.
Lecturer of Fine Art, Mississippi State University
Responsibilities: Taught undergraduate and graduate studio, theory, and history courses; participated in graduate thesis committees; created and implemented new courses; acted as undergraduate thesis director and teaching assistant advisor
Lecturer of Fine Art, Clemson University
Responsibilities: Taught undergraduate fine art studio courses; participated in graduate thesis committees; created and implemented new courses
• eCORNELL, Design Thinking Certification
• OSHA Safety Training certification
• ACHIEVE, a national education grant to train faculty in problem-based learning
• LERN, instructor certification for online teaching development
• Digital Fabrication: Polyjet and FDM 3D-printing, large format vinyl printing, UV printing, laser cutting and engraving, CNC routing and milling
• Commercial Woodworking Equipment: Jointer, planer, table, band, and miter saws, drill and pocket press, drum sander, edgebanding, veneer press
• Traditional Fabrication: Hand tools, power tools, vacuum forming, sewing, complex assembly
• CAD: Fusion 360, Sketchup
• CAM: Centroid, VcarvePro, Easel
• Adobe Creative Suite: Illustrator, Photoshop, Indesign, Acrobat DC
• Microsoft Office 365: Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Teams, Shaerpoint
• Video Production and Editing: Final Cut Pro, iMovie
• David Winton; President and CEO, Kalisher
• Dave Clark; CEO, OMDigital
• John Botello; Creative Manager, The White House, Executive Residence
• University of Tennessee, MFA, 1996
• University of Windsor, BFA, 1993